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MBT Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

Why have you shown interest to join us?

6 26965

Where you would like to be in 5 years?

23 53394

Why do you want to work here?

8 26573

How do you define success?

26 64718

what is penetration testing?

3 17892

What is smoke testing?

20 31560

What is pairwise testing?

10 31851

What is concurrency testing?

6 27220

what is test log..? what it consists?

7 37928

What is Data Flow Testing?

11 37565

what is volume Testing?

15 48028

what is Independent Verification and Validation(IV&V)?

4 17512

What is driver in testing point of view?

6 16171

what is stub?Explain in testing point of view?

13 35367

what is Regresstion testing? when it will be needed?

19 25265

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Un-Answered Questions

How do I remove a program from the start menu in windows 10?


How do I merge cells in sheets?


Is mongodb a graph database?


How an actionform bean is created?


What is process name dynamic override?


What is menu bar in ms excel?


What are the uses of npm in node js?


Is javascript case sensitive?


I had posted a down payment to a vendor. In addition to that i had posted the invoice to the same vendor.When i run the F110 to make the payment, I want the functionality to adjust the down payment with the invoice & to pay the balance amount. I don't want to do the down payment clearing manually in F- 54. the down payment should be done in the F110 itslef. Is it possible?. If yes what is the configuration related to this.


What is error ora-6502? : BEA Weblogic


After the morula stage what is the next stage?


Is gmail or hotmail better?


What is 0xc0000005 error?


How do I reset a sequence in oracle?


What is bridging header in ios?