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MBT Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

Why have you shown interest to join us?

6 27095

Where you would like to be in 5 years?

23 53792

Why do you want to work here?

8 26739

How do you define success?

26 65193

what is penetration testing?

3 17998

What is smoke testing?

20 31863

What is pairwise testing?

10 32112

What is concurrency testing?

6 27387

what is test log..? what it consists?

7 38085

What is Data Flow Testing?

11 37789

what is volume Testing?

15 48360

what is Independent Verification and Validation(IV&V)?

4 17639

What is driver in testing point of view?

6 16359

what is stub?Explain in testing point of view?

13 35600

what is Regresstion testing? when it will be needed?

19 25619

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box1-2 box2-12 box3-350 using multiplication and division only bring 74 in box 3 in 3steps


any body,pls tell me how to done relay coordination ? how to coordinate by TCC curve?how to read the tcc curve?


Explain interleaving?


What is traceability matrix? Is it required for every project?


why programs in c are running with out #include? some warnings are display in terminal but we execute the program we get answer why? eg: main() { printf("hello world "); }


In normal distribution, approximately what percentage of the cases, to the nearest whole number, falls within 4 standard deviations of the mean?


Can we have multiple threads in one app domain?


Explain what is the principle distinction between the function calls and messages?


How do I become a machine learning scientist?


If you are posting a message on a queue & Server is down. What happens.


How do I install iis?


how much power is required for a 200 watts bulb if 60p/unit is observed?


What is mysqli_fetch_array?


What is a function simple definition?


What do you mean by block scanner in hdfs?