How to Open any web page by clicking any Any ASPControl like (Checkbox,radio button or Button) without calling its event and without going to Siverside code?
5 10358maximum how many parameters we can pass through pl/sql stored procedure to oracle apps?how many mandatory parameters we can pass through pl/sql program to oracle apps11i?
6 24895What is the Entry of A Demand Draft is prepared for rs.4500 from UTI bank after bank charges?
6 50217Post New LG Soft Interview Questions
Is there any way by which we can lock two specific wbs elements say overheads and other expenses, so that the user cannot release pr?
How to configure mail function in joomla?
What do you mean by latency?
How camel handles multiple parameter binding in bean method?
Who is the developer of Kotlin?
different types of replication?
Is quicksort greedy algorithm?
What is pl sql commands?
Computer printer produces 176400 lines in a given day. If the printer is in operation for 7 hrs during the day how many lines did it print per minute?
What is a transactional view?
As you said you have worked on info cubes and ods, which one is better suited for reporting? Explain and what are the drawbacks and benefits of each one?
Define what is class structure of your project? Define about the project flow?
What do you understand by auto wiring and name the different modes of it?
What do you comprehend about Hybrid Cloud?
How do you check if an arraylist is not empty?