will any one told me if any interviewer ask u that wat type of defect tracking tool we use in project then wat will be the answer?
3 6718hello there, can anyone tell me what type of question does lg soft company ask in written test especially for a quant part? Thanku
1551Post New LG Soft Manual Testing Interview Questions
What are new options included in exchange 2013 related with high availability and site resilience?
What is the fee of css?
What is proxy object in python?
Explain the properties and principles of oop.
What are the different types of embedded data flow?
What is the difference between covariance and correlation?
What is the synonym of swift?
How do I sign in as administrator on windows 10?
What is a hashset?
How do I become an administrator?
Explain purpose of sleep() method in java?
What keyword allows us to implement abstraction better in flex?
Explain which of the following methods releases the lock when yield(), join(),sleep(),wait(),notify(), notifyall() methods are executed?
Why is android used?
What exactly is being serialized when you perform serialization in .net?