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JSW Interview Questions
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Isn't power metallurgy an expensive processing route to employ?

2 6438

What are all the possibilities discharge will be low in the pumps?

12 21553

How does water tranports from the soil to the plant?

1 3760

What will happen if 230V DC motor connected to 230V AC Supply?

15 59829

why transformer is giving some humming noise .....?

11 28783

sir please send me previous year questions of jspl through which i could prepare myself fpr the test.

64 58787

what is difference between corrossion and erosion?

8 27523

what is the difference between LT and HT power supply?

26 181216

I want a RRB model question for Diploma mechanical Engg.

6 17527

what is the formula of knowing the clabe size on any load?

1 8191

why we can turn on the phase-A scr in 3 phase converter at 30 degrees

1 3033

specific gravity of water

9 16297

when turbine trips generator will becomes induction motor or synchronous motor?

4 8292

How do we calculate number of jets for Pelton turbine, when its specifications like turbine diameter, number of buckets, total discharge are given?

1 6910

what is the role of id fan in a furnace?

3 10533

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How do you implement push on a flex applications? : adobe flex action script


What is metadata in python?


What is actionlistener in java swing?


How are vessel lined with glass or how are they coated?


What is the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) limit in Insurance Sector?


What is the role of Connector API?


Can we create constructor in abstract class ?


for 750 kw LT load what will be the ht kva


Which sorting algorithm is best for large data?


Explain how fast is the solar wind?


You're implementing a medieval strategy game in which pikemen should always walk in front of archers, and catapults should always be behind the archers. Explain how you could implement the movement system to ensure that you keep pikemen in front and catapults in the rear as much as possible. Explain how your answer might be different depending on whether or not the units simply need to end up in that configuration when they reach that destination, or if they need to maintain that formation while moving.


What is the use of aggregation when we have rollup as we know rollup component in abinitio is used to summarize a group of data record? Then where we will use aggregation?


Explain the types of string comparision function in PHP


What are activex and ole?


What is features of excel?