Q.After the campaign is executed? I want to track the following as a campaign manager 1) who clicked the link? 2) When (date and time)? 3) How many times? 4) Which link?
How do you replace #value in excel?
What happened to toplevelnavigationservice, it is not there on april ctp refresh?
Is ms access part of ms office?
We are running Oracle EBS 11i and yesterday whilst doing my month-end I forgot to select "calculate finance charge" on form ARXSUPST AR Print Statement run. I am struggling to get to My Oracle and was hoping someone out there might have experienced or heard of a similar problem. What are my options to rectify this situation... I look forward to you inputs..... Thank you Regards Salie
What hibernate save returns?
Which language is used in the power query?
What is J2EE Agent and port number?
What is the difference between the Take and Skip clauses?
What are different ways for authentication of servlet?
Explain the transaction object in hibernate?
What is a local reference?
How to know if web server running?
what r the question asked in interview of gate,is it related to course?
How does an equal-arm balance work?