I have to give interviews in various airlines for cabin Crew.So,plz tell me abt various ques. Which r expected by Them
6 299211.how to sit in a interview(ie. about body language ) 2.why you would like to join the aviation industry. 3.why you selected this company.
18 43586What is ?ROM? associated with computers ? (1) Random only memory (2) Repeat only memory (3) Read only memory (4) Rate of memory
3 7666What would u say when you are asked to give a self- introduction of yourself for a cabin attendant position?
18 157518how to caluculate APFC panel rating, my running Load is 1320KW, Present P.F 0.76 to 0.8 we need 0.98 p.f
17 72979You run a technical support website where members post questions and answers to problems experienced and general know how. You have to provide explanations to recently posted questions. Some opf these questions need reasearch.
2395Post New Jet Airways Interview Questions
What is the use of gets and puts?
Please do tell me about the questions which are asked at BACS FINAL ROUND.
What is a jdbc connection pool?
How to stop a purifier?
mention what are the websphere mq programming apis?
I know that in version ECC6 exists the functionality of document splitting like this: If an Invoice is for 11,000/-.Then we write the GL as : vendor A/C Dr XXXX to Purchase 1 XXX to Purchase 2 XXX to Tax XX But through Document Splitting we can write it based on the %age of sharing as 80 : 20%.. Vendor A/c 8,800(DR) Purchase A/C 8,000(Cr) Tax 800 (Cr) Vendor A/C 2,200 (Dr) Purchase 2000(Cr) Tax 200(Cr) This is called Document Splitting But when you talk about tax, you mean a line item created manually like tax or a document where you complete the tax code and the line is created automatically? Thanks a lot in advance. REgards,Lorena
Does treeset allow null in java?
How do you store a value in viewstate and retrieve them?
What are the various editions of sql server 2017 that are available in the market?
How to enable product's custom attribute visibility in frontend?
What is the furnace Oil viscacity
List out the direct type adcs.
What is the difference between service and thread?
What is a Custom report?
Why do we need a singleton class?