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Jaypee Interview Questions
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It's 2PM on a sunny Sunday afternoon in the Bay Area. You're minutes from the Pacific Ocean, redwood forest hiking trails and world class cultural attractions. What do you do?

3 11446

. The first president of the Indian National congress was (1) Dadabhai Naoroji (2) W.C. Benerjee (3) Gopal Krishna Gokhale (4) Feroze Shah Mehta

10 22513

draw the diagrams for TDMA,CDMA, FDMA and explain it. explain congestion control, congestion avoidence, sliding window protocol..

1 12281

Why we choose 400kv,220kv,132kv,66kv,33kv transmission voltages for transmitting power. Why not other voltage levels.

21 59344

what is red flag symbolise to

5 10712

how much % of fine sand(jamuna sand)we can use with coase sand for making concrete.

3 9284

i have 3sge type g rav 4 1997 can i modyfied my engine to dual vvti 3sge

1 5861

jaypee instrumentation

1 4431

describe about Hollow bricks? where the hollow brick "ll use& what"s the purpose?

1 5297

how to find the carpenter work per day? how many cubic feet they should be work per day?

5 24661

What is difference between Dy11 & Dyn11 vector group transformer. Can both these transformers operate in parrallel.

5 62712

What"s mean by term of BOQ in construction?

13 69765

what"s the purpose of dry lean concrete(DLC)and where it"ll be use it?

5 29621

How to decide the thickness of reinforcement concrete roof slab? what"s the thickness in inches the roof of 10'x10'? pls give me the answer and give the formula how to calculate it?


What"s the brick size we use in construction?1.190x90x90 2.230x100x75 Which one "s correct?

13 25516

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Does case harden steel properties detoriates over time? Especially for guns, parts like bolt carrier, the brand new parts has been kept for 10 year and properly oiled. I am worried about its surface hardness to take the blow during firing.


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