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Siebel Systems Interview Questions
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What are ASP.NET Web Forms? How is this technology different than what is available though ASP (1.0-3.0)?

1 2787

How is Siebel 7.x architecture different from Siebel 6.x?

1 9760

How is load balancing maintained in Siebel?

4 12092

Is it required to install gateway server before installing a Siebel server?

4 7227

What does install.ksh and imprep.ksh files do?

1 7059

What is s_party table?

4 11013

What is seed data in Siebel?

2 7299

How do you create intersection table?

1 7657

How is Siebel 7.x data model is different from Siebel 6.0 data model?

3 5410

Can you create an extension table with an intersection table?

1 8438

What is an extension table and how is it related to base table?

3 7920

How do you create extension table to an interface table in Siebel?

1 5265

Why is it not recommended to modify existing base tables?

1 5421

What is the relationship between a view and a b/o?

3 6697

What do you mean by virtual business comp in Siebel?

5 14145

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Un-Answered Questions

How do I keep people from stealing my source code and/or images?


Can we have multiple public classes in a java source file?


Is c++ used anymore?


What is the difference between map and flatmap in java?


How can you create an empty plugin which have basic options like activate, deactivate etc.?


What is meant by mobile application?


What is .ddf file?


How to delete an element from an array?


Explain polymorphism. Provide an example.


What are the different ways you could integrate css into your html page?


What is devops linux?


What is a machine shop?


What are different types of expressions?


Where are rdd stored?


Which laptop is best for big data?