how to calculate 1:2:4 ratio concrete cement, sand, metal and water please give me brief calculation
34 681882Post New Sunrise Enterprises Interview Questions
How would you print type of variable in go?
What is type safe in c#?
Explain your process for tracing and fixing a memory leak
What are the different types of networks?
What is a pricing profile of an article?
What should be the con1ponents of a fair policy with regard to collecting, maintaining, and disseminating information about employees?
What are string constants in postgresql?
How do you set the increment point in appraisal of salaries. It becomes so difficult for the employer to hear again and again about increment
What is while true in python?
Mention what does the shell commands “capture” and “consistency” determines?
What is a cycle or a circuit?
WS-NUM PIC S9(05)V(02) SIGN TRAILING SEPARATE MOVE '0050000+' TO WS-NUM The value stored is 00500,00+ MOVE '0050000-' TO WS-NUM Then what is the value will be stored in WS-NUM? Am getting '-00500,00'.....>>> What should I declare to WS-NUM so that I can get correct values for both + & - signs.
What is the function of the br tag?
What is the difference between a defect and a failure?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of linked list over array?