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IBM Interview Questions
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Difference between header level tax calculation and line level tax calculation


what is the difference between we02, we05, we09?

4 36196

i have a table like this. i want to output like this c1 c2 c1 c2 1 10 1 10 2 20 2 30 3 30 3 60 4 40 4 100 5 5 5 105 c1 and c2 are columns in a table .i want output like this c2 values are 10,10+20,10+20+30,10+20+30+40.10+20+30+40+5. write a sql query.pls help this i want urgent.

2 10096

hai iam naresh iam facing problem in interview, tell me about your self. how to answer this question.

9 18599

write a c program to find the largest and 2nd largest numbers from the given n numbers without using arrays


in how many roles a T-code exists? Find it without se16 or suim

10 28028

A has to pay to B Rs. 10000 but C pay pay Rs. 10000 to B on behalf of A. What will be the journal entry in all the three persons.

1 6523

what is the difference between new developed Zreports and Ztransctions codes.give me example on mm pls thx alot

2 11714

how will you see when the database was started using sql prompt?

2 5843

01 var1 pic s9(9)v99. 01 var2 pic x(30). procedure division. move 12345.99 to var1. move12345.99 to var2. display var1. display var2. what is the output?

2 9128

Is it possible to implement parallelism in Mainframe Jobs ? If Yes how ? If no why ?


How HashMap implemented in java? how it internally works when values are added or searched from hashMap?What is the difference betweenthe implementation of hashmap and Linked Hashmap?

3 9848

How to identify which Authorization Objects contains which fields \ activities?

7 15711

What is the difference between SIBLINGS and TWINS in IMS-DB database

2 10331

advance down payment invoice recieved rs.3000. how to settle the invoice amount through APP(f110).

3 10940

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IBM Interview Questions

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How can I customize my 404 - page not found page?


Stator of 3-phase IM has 3 slots per pole per phase. If supply frequency is 50 Hz, calculate the speed of rotating stator flux A 1000 rpm B 500 rpm C 1500 rpm D 1440 rpm


Explain what are the uses of rollback segment?


HOW to change the coloumns in XREF?


What is ReactDOM and what is the difference between ReactDOM and React?


What are the side effect of certain medical treatments which causes dry mouth?


How to Show Message box in Metro Style App?


hi all.. I need your advice.. I attended interview for tcs bpo for investment banking process. can anyone tell me what will be the shift timings... will it be full night shifts??? they told it is rotational shifts...


Tell us how can you define departmental accounting?


How to style label associated with the selected radio input and checked check boxes ?


What is multi background property in css3?


What is natural resource?


All of the following are true about decomposition except: A. It's an output of the Scope Definition process. B. It's a tool and technique of the Scope Definition process. C. It is used to create a WBS. D. It subdivides the major deliverables into smaller components.


What will happen during the export process?


What are the most important factors in google ranking?