What is the difference between Server.Transfer and
Response.Redirect? Why would I choose one over the other?

Answer Posted / vaibhav nagar

Response.Redirect sends message to the browser saying it to
move to some
different page, while server.transfer does not send any
message to the browser
but rather redirects the user directly from the server
itself. So in server.transfer
there is no round trip while response.redirect has a round
trip and hence puts
a load on server.
Using Server.Transfer you can not redirect to a different
from the server itself.
Example if your server is www.yahoo.com you can not use
server.transfer to move
to www.microsoft.com but yes you can move to
www.yahoo.com/travels, i.e.
within websites. This cross server redirect is possible
only using
With server.transfer you can preserve your information. It
has a parameter
called as “preserveForm”. So the existing query string etc.
will be able in the
calling page.

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