what is the difference between BVA&ECP?

Answer Posted / rudraneel


Boundary Value Analysis :

1.It is a Black Box Technique
2.Here input values for boundaries of input domain are
3.Here valid and invalid both values are considered.

Example :
For a login page SRS is

UserId should be within 15-50 characters
so valid boundaries are 15-50
invalid boundaries are <15 or >50 i.e; 14 or 51
If A(Valid)=15/50 thenA1(Invalid)=14/51
For Invalid Boundaries always considered like this way (A-
1) or (A+1)

>Very good at exposing potential input problems
>very clear guide-lines on determining test cases
>Very small set of inputs are generated

>Doesn't cover all set of inputs.
>doesn't combine all possible combination


Equivalence Class Partitioning :

1.As the name suggests that the data is divided into such a
way that same class will give same type of input.Like
Class1 is a combination of Valid inputs and Class2 is a
combination of Invalid inputs.

Disadv :
>Heuristic based method.
>Limited focus.
>No guide lines for choosing input.

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