tell me about aggregate awareness in detail?

Answer Posted / vams_gk

Aggregate awareness is a term that describes the ability of
a universe to
make use of aggregate tables in a database. These are
tables that contain
pre-calculated data. You can use a function called
@Aggregate_Aware in the
Select statement for an object that directs a query to be
run against aggregate
tables rather than a table containing non aggregated data.
Using aggregate tables speeds up the execution of queries,
improving the
performance of SQL transactions.
The reliability and usefulness of aggregate awareness in a
universe depends
on the accuracy of the aggregate tables. They must be
refreshed at the same
time as all fact tables.
A universe that has one or more objects with alternative
definitions based on
aggregate tables is said to be “aggregate aware”. These
correspond to levels of aggregation. For example, an object
called Profit can
be aggregated by month, by quarter, or by year. These
objects are called
aggregate objects.
Queries built from a universe using aggregate objects
return information
aggregated to the appropriate level at optimal speed.

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