which tools is the best in Automation

Answer Posted / sid


Capability: Does the tool have all the critical features we
need, especially in the area of test result validation and
test suite management?

Reliability: Does the tool work for long periods without
failure, or is it full of bugs? Many test tools are
developed by small companies that do a poor job of
testing the software’s.

Capacity: Can it handle large scale test suites that run
for hours or days and involve thousands of scripts?

Learnability: Can the tool be mastered in a short time? Are
there training classes or books available to aid that

Operability: Are the features of the tool cumbersome to
use, or prone to user error?

Performance: Is the tool quick enough to allow a
substantial savings in test development and execution time
versus hand testing.

Compatibility: Does the tool work with the particular
technology that we need to test?

Non-Intrusiveness: How well does the tool simulate an
actual user? Is the behavior of the software under test the
same with automation as without

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