Hi Al
I have a small querry in SAP there are different
type of Users one of them is System User I want to know
why the system user is created and if created what is use
of them and how they are associated with the Dialogue
User ,As we all know Dialogue user can perform all work in
Sap by logging in the sap server , so why the system user
is created and how they are associated with Dialogue user

With Rgds

Answer Posted / hidayath ulla

Service user is a dialog user available to a larger,
anonymous group of users.
And the other types of users are
Dialog – User type for exactly one interactive user (all
logon types including Internet users):
System – User type for background processing and
communication within a system (internal RFC calls).
Communications – User type for dialog-free communication
between systems .Restrictions to password expiry
Reference – You cannot log on to the system with a
reference user.

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