why to join bpocompany if completed done btech?

Answer Posted / s.muthu kumar

I am an CSE student but I don't have any deep knowledge about in program and coding and I am average student in my ug course for this reason I have choose BPO

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What according to you,is the most important requisite of a call centre executive?


9. Insists on error-free records


what were u doing some many years after doing graduation?


What are your planning in next role?


What is called Team


What are the steps you follow when you appraise an advisor ?


How would you teach a blind person to withdraw her credit card account on an automated teller machine?


Can anybody point it the responsibilities of Team Leader of domestic Call Center or BPO. If you are answering the point it out and explained.


How would you sell a used toothbrush? A broken pen? A bitten apple?


what is your career aspect & if they asked in general what should i answer?


What would you do if the customer says that it took you long to resolve an issue?


What's your favorite food tell me how to cook it? So you like to read books, tell me something about the book that you red last time? and you belong in different organizations, tell me what else do you do there and what is this organization that you belong to? ( these are the follow up questions sometimes being asked to prove if you're lying or not, so the tip here's be specific with your answers to make them believe in what you're sayin. These questions are being encountered after answering the question,of telling something about yourself.)


what is the call center


How do you about our company ?


Please tell me about a situation where someone was performing badly in your team. What was the situation? How did you deal with it? What was the outcome?