how to calculate rate analysis of M25 grade concrete
Answer Posted / manish
Say Cement Rate 300 INR
CA 675
FA 650
Labour 275
Mason 650
Miller 1200 Rs/day
Vibrator 300 Rs/day
Tools & cart (single wheel) 750/day
Say as per design mix Cement consumption is 425 kg/cum for M35
For CC at Ground level :
Cement 8.5 bags *300=2550
CA 0.95cum *675=608
FA 0.60 cum *650=390 ( Bulking Qty)
Water 135L*0.10=14
Labours 18*275/25cum/day =198
Mason 2*650/25cum=52
Miller-vibrator-tools 2250/25=90
Contingency 2000/25=80
Total of above =3982 Rs/cum
Cost towards Profit, Royalty, PF, Insurance, Admixtures like Super Plastisizer, Curing Cost etc to be added.
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