POLYMER ENGINEERING - QUESTION 24.1 : The molecular weights M in kg / mol of 3 different monomers a, b and c in a polymer are Ma = 14, Mb = 16 and Mc = 18. The fraction of polymer chain X of 3 different monomers a, b and c in a polymer are Xa = 0.5, Xb = 0.3 and Xc = 0.2. (i) Calculate number average molecular weight by using the formula Ma Xa + Mb Xb + Mc Xc. (ii) Calculate weight average molecular weight by using the formula (Ma Xa Ma + Mb Xb Mb + Mc Xc Mc) / (Ma Xa + Mb Xb + Mc Xc). (iii) Calculate the polydispersity by using the answer in (ii) divided by answer in (i). (iv) If the molecular weight of repeat unit is 12, calculate the degree of polymerization by using the formula (Ma Xa + Mb Xb + Mc Xc) / (molecular weight of repeat unit).

Answer Posted / kangchuentat

POLYMER ENGINEERING - ANSWER 24.1 : (i) Number average molecular weight = Ma Xa + Mb Xb + Mc Xc = 14 x 0.5 + 16 x 0.3 + 18 x 0.2 = 15.4 kg / mol. (ii) Weight average molecular weight = (Ma Xa Ma + Mb Xb Mb + Mc Xc Mc) / (Ma Xa + Mb Xb + Mc Xc) = (14 x 0.5 x 14 + 16 x 0.3 x 16 + 18 x 0.2 x 18) / 15.4 = 15.558 kg / mol. (iii) Polydispersity = [ answer in (ii) ] / [ answer in (i) ] = 15.558 / 15.4 = 1.0103. (iv) Degree of polymerization = (Ma Xa + Mb Xb + Mc Xc) / (molecular weight of repeat unit) = (15.4 kg / mol) / (12 g / mol) = 1.283 k = 1283. The answer is given by Kang Chuen Tat; PO Box 6263, Dandenong, Victoria VIC 3175, Australia; SMS +61405421706; chuentat@hotmail.com; http://kangchuentat.wordpress.com.

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