what is SLA? what is OLA? what is the difference bet ween SLA and OLA?

Answer Posted / avishek prakash

A service-level agreement (SLA) is a part of a standardized service contract where a service is formally defined. Particular aspects of the service – scope, quality, responsibilities – are agreed between the service provider and the service user.

An operational-level agreement (OLA) defines the interdependent relationships in support of a service-level agreement (SLA). The agreement describes the responsibilities of each internal support group toward other support groups, including the process and timeframe for delivery of their services. The objective of the OLA is to present a clear, concise and measurable description of the service provider's internal support relationships.

We can see difference between SLA and OLA below:-
1. Service Level Agreement focuses on the service part of the agreement, like uptime of services and performance. On the other hand, Operational Level Agreement is an agreement in respect to maintenance and other services.

2. The Service Level Agreement is basically a contract between a service provider and a customer. OLA is an agreement between the internal support groups of an institution that supports SLA.

3. When comparing the target groups, the OLA has smaller target group than the SLA.

4. Unlike the OLA, the SLA connects the service providers to the customers.

5. The Operational Level Agreement is more technical than the Service Level Agreement.

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