In file1 have 80 records are like d1,d2,d3......D80. File2 have 1000records are like a1d1,a1d2,a3d3.....Etc. I want matching records in file3 ? Plse tell me the matching logic???I want answer only in cobol ?Not using any tool or jcl?

Answer Posted / animesh

It can be done using internal array table within the cobol program. first we will Move Record file in an aray with same Lrecl as the file1 and having 80 occurence.
Then again for file 2 we will populate another internal array table with 1000 occurence.

perform varying w-v-idx1 from w-k-1 by w-k-1 until
w-v-idx1> 80

perform varying w-v-idx2 from w-k-1 by w-k-1 until

If w-v-file1(w-v-idx1) = w-v-file2(idx2)
Set some w-s-count = y
Add +1 to w-s-count

move -w-v-file1(w-v-idx1) to w-v-file3
write file 3 from w-v-file

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