what is mmBtu, in measuring natural gas?

Answer Posted / richard chambers

OK. So we evidently have a unit on which there is evidently
no universal agreement as to its true definition. What more
proof do I need, other than the disputed answers already
posted? It is high time that the unit be scrapped and
replaced by a unit (such as the kJ, MJ, kWh or MWh) whose
meaning is universally agreed. I say this as a Britisher,
the original perpetrators of the atrocity of the British
Thermal Unit. I am frustrated by the continued existence of
the outdated Btu. Furthermore, there seems to be a
contradiction in terms between "metric" and "British
Thermal Unit". Why does such a unit continue in existence?
Is it beyond the mental capacity of energy traders to
metricate? What is the conversion factor between Btu and
the MJ?

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