India played the first One Day International Cricket Match with Pakistan in March this year at (a) Lahore (b) Peshawar (c) Multan (d) Karachi
2 75822. Contingent liabilities should be recorded in the books when; a) It is probable that the future events will occur b) The amount of the liability can be reasonable estimated. c) Both (a) and (b) d) Either (a) or (b)
2 6346what is the salary of obc bank clerk?? i mean how much one gets in hand?? and any other benefits??
11 24539Post New India Infoline Interview Questions
When we click outside of modal popup, it will close, how to resolve it?
What are the types of the dfhmdf present in the cics?
How Hive distributes the rows into buckets?
What are sub reports?
What non-visual coding tools are available for web design?
Is outdated?
What is the intermediate language between asp and asp.net1.0?
Does the orbix have size limit for corba messages?
How does AI assist in contract analysis?
Can you explain the pdca cycle and where testing fits in?
Explain static nested classes ?
How do I make my wordpress page visible?
How to perform a DC resistance test In Alternator and their proceduces?
How do you differentiate var and val in Kotin?
What is dwa (direct web access)?