The Source coloumns are A,B,C with data row1- 10,20,30 row2-
40,50,60 row3-70,80,90 and so on. In the target I want one
coloumn with the following data, Coloumn-X, row1-10,row2-
20,row3-30,row4-40,row5-50 and so on. How to achieve this?

Answer Posted / swapnil

no need to use normalizer here, take 3 expression and 3
instance of target.
Create 3 expression transformations exp_1,exp_2 and exp_3
with 1 port each. Connect col1 from Source Qualifier to
port in exp_1.Connect col2 from Source Qualifier to port in
exp_2.Connect col3 from source qualifier to port in exp_3.
Make 3 instances of the target. Connect port from exp_1 to
target_1. Connect port from exp_2 to target_2 and connect
port from exp_3 to target_3.

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