how to calculate sand, cement quantity for plastering (1:5)? what"s the formula?
Answer Posted / yogesh khandelwal
Let Area to be plastered=100 m^2
& Thickness of plaster= 12mm=(12/1000)m= 0.012m
Volume of mortar required= 100 x 0.012= 1.20 m^3
Add 20% extra mortar for filling joint,depressions and
Volume of the mortar= [0.20 X 1.20]+ 1.20=1.44 m^3
[Wet Volume]
Increase further by One-third of the volume to get Dry
Quantity becomes= [(1/3) X 1.44]+ 1.44=1.92 m^3
Summation of proportion=1+5=6
For 12mm plastering in 1:5 cement:sand mortar mix,
1)Cement required= 1.92/6= 0.32 cu. m
No. of bags of cement= 0.320/0.0347=9.22 bags
>>9 bags(say)
Kgs of cement required=9 x 50= 450 kg (approx)
2)Sand required= [1.92 x (5/6)]= 1.60 cu. m
[Weight of 1 bag of cement= 50 kg
Cement should be always measured by weight to avoid
One 50 kg bag of cement weighs 1440 kg/cu. m
Volume of 1 bag of cement= 50/1440=0.0347 cu. m ]
Therefore to convert Cu. m into No of bags of 50 kg
cement,just divide the volume of cement by 0.0347
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