Most of the HR s are asking official mail id of current
company, say if iam keeping satyam , they are asking satyam
mail id before taking Cvs.
I have to keep 4 yrs.previous 1.5 yrs one company,next 1.5
yrs one company and current 6 months one company.
Please tell me any consultancies or companies both in
chennai, bangalore(
not in hyderabad), who can provide an official mail id .Iam
planning to keep exp. in 3 small companies( not MNCs)
iam trying on 3.5 yrs manual testing in chennai,bangalore
my mail id

Answer Posted / moral police

This is Fricking RIDICULOUS. Morons like you who fudge their
resumes should be asked to take up janitorial positions for
the next 5 years. Yes, you sure will get an official mail id
there like

first the osmania univ certificates and now an open forum
which discusses how to get Official mail id for the blatant
lies on my resume....way to go...

Hint: Use telnet 25 to get any mail id. hey wait, but what
about my inability to speak yinglish without yen yeksent?

wat about the yenterview kosh-chuns?

surgically get a smart chip implanted up ur arse pranu

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Today i completed my telephonic interview . many questions they asked from my projects.all questions from my resume. even that person who took interview he gone thro sites which i given in my profile. i answered well. Finally he said their ppls will call me and nice to talk like that he said I will get select????