is tree is a good conductor and it may be used for conductor?

Answer Posted / sparks

That is a very interesting question to which my old teacher
had the best answer.
Every conducts electricity some just more that others.
Although a tree does compose of water and other elements and
is the most likely spot to be hit by Lightning does not make
it a good conductor more like a good resistor.

The definition of a good conductor depends on how their
music sounds.... wait wrong conductor, a good conductor will
have little to no resistance to electrical current.

so if you want to experiment, and would not advise this at
all, connect a tree in series to a large load and hit the
switch with an ammeter to see what the difference is with
and with out the tree in the circuit. my bet will be the
resistance of the tree will be so great that there will be
no flow of current. (Low voltage (230V) up to 13kw load)....

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