i need help from u. i want to learn abinitio. please provide
pdfs or material or books.

Answer Posted / karthiga

I am also a fresher in ABINITIO can u pls send the material
to my ID also .. <karthiga6111987@gmail.com>

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How many components in your most complicated graph?


Why creation of temporary files depends on the value of MAX CORE ? How to use in abinitio graph? 10. What is the diff between abinitiorc and .abinitiorc files ? How to use in abinitio graph? 11. What is the use of allocate()? How to use in abinitio graph? 12. What is use of branch in EME ? 13. How you can break a lock in EME ? How can you lock a file so that only no one other than EME admin can break it ? How to use in abinitio graph? 14. When you should be using ablocal() ? How you can use ablocal_expr? How to use in abinitio graph? 15. Why you should not keep the layout as 'default' for input table component ? How to use in abinitio graph? 16. What is dynamic lookup ? How to use in abinitio graph? 17. What is dependent parameter ? How to use in abinitio graph? 18. What is BRE ? (Business Rule Environment - This is a recent addition in abinitio package) How to use in abinitio graph? 19.What is output index ? How to use in abinitio graph? 20. How you can track the records those are not getting selected from ‘select’ in reformat component ? How to use in abinitio graph? 21. Can we have more than one launcher process for a particular graph ? How about agent ? How to use in abinitio graph? 22. There are lot of new fuctions added in 2.15 , you can ask about them ? How to use in abinitio graph? 23. How can you run multiple instances of a graph in parallel? How to use


What do you understand by overflow errors?


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Input Data: AAABBBCC CCAAABB expected output A3B3C2 A3B2C2 How can I achieve this in Ab initio? where In output count of occurrences should be sorted from high to low


What do you mean by the term data warehousing? Is it different from data mining?


What is the difference between rollup and scan?


What is the architecture of abinitio?


What is the difference between formal and export parameter? Export at what secenario we are going to use?


What is the function that transfers a string into a decimal?


What are the features of ab initio?


Can you explain the performance and scalability of co> operating system?


What the difference between “look-up” file and “look is up” in abinitio?