There are 100 test cases. And you got a bug at 85th test
case. You reported it to dev. and dev. fixed that bug. when
you are doing regression testing from which test case u'll
do testing?? will start from 85 th test case are u'll
execute 100 test cases?
Answer Posted / sandhya jagtap
defination:-regression testing means we test thet bug fix in one part of the application whther it is affected to other part or not, or changed compaonet introduced any error in to unchaned component
so according to defination,we first retest that 85 test cases to ensure thet whether bug fixes are done,if bug are fix in that 85 test cases(if all test cases are run successfully)then we test the remaing 15 test case also, to ensure that due to bug fix in that 85 test cases whether it is afetcted to remaing 15 test cases or not
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