How does agile communication differ from tradition software
engineering communication? How it is similar?

Answer Posted / sevak.yatrik777

Agile communication is quicker than traditional software
development communication in the following ways:
First, the project teams are "co-located" so that any
questions are immediately answered instead of using phones,
email, etc to ask coworkers for ideas, thoughts or answers.
Every day an Agile team meets for a quick 15 minute meeting
(sometimes called a daily scrum) to refine what tasks were
completed the previous day, what will be done by the team
today and what impediments are prohibiting the team from
getting the work done.
Agile teams are constantly refining scope based on empirical
data from previous releases, test results and discoveries
where traditional projects design and code up to the
delivery date only to discover problems when it's very
expensive to correct.

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