16. How can we create top 10 and bottom 10 records in
the same list?

Answer Posted / arangaraj


All are wrong.for ex. if u have list report with
region,staff name and revenue. if u want show top 10 and
bottom 10 performance based on the revenue, drag new data
item from tool box to query item box then expression window
will show in that type like

For Top 10 performance:rank([revenue]desc for [region])
and give name for new query item like Rank or anything.
then drag this new query item to the detail filter window.
then type [Rank]<=10.

For Bottom 10 performance:rank([revenue]asc for [region])

if u want any query about cognos don't hesitate call me
by mobile:9787642227

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can anybody explain me about sales project in cognos..wt is the requirement,how u get the requirement..explain me any one based on ur experience as a report developer..how much time u will take to complete one project,single person in a team have to do how many reports..in a real time how much time will take to complete reports ie..one single report.. (simple and complex report)and in real time ur project contains how many fact tables and dimension tables..how many query subjects and query items..wt functional area u worked on.. hope u vl respond as soon as possible ..my mail- id is ammu2india@gmail.com