what is difference between earhing and neutral

Answer Posted / dinesh

neutral define as a closed path of electical ckt having
zero potential.and earth wire is a protection path of
electical ckt

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We are preparing another project which involves Waste heat recovery from a 1 MW GE Engine. The Engine in particular gives out flue gas at 487Deg C with a flow rate of 5650 kg/hour and this can be cooled to 180 Deg C. This gives a thermal output of ~ 594 KW that is available for input to VAM via heat exchanger / boiler. Additionally 581 KW will be available from engine jacket water (temperature profile 80/ 80 Deg C and a flow rate of 50m3/hr) Our estimation is that 300 TR of cooling is possible with a suitable VAM machine(s). Please advise what is the most suitable arrangement with maximum TR and min Capital expenditure. plz reply me as early as possible