Have you enhance any standard infotype? if yes, then how you
do that?
Answer Posted / vks
The following brief explanation should help you understand this Enhancement of Infotypes:
The enhancement concept for infotypes within Personnel Administration and Recruitment offers you the following functions:
You can perform additional customer validations. You can include additional fields in an infotype.
It is also possible to include additional fields in the standard list screens.
If you incorporate additional fields in an infotype, these will be treated in the same way as the SAP standard fields in reporting, when creating the documents, and within dynamic events.
The enhancement of an infotype in the SAP standard system does not cause problems during a release upgrade.
The following infotypes are excluded from the enhancement concept:
Actions infotype (0000)
Additional Actions (0302)
Time Management infotypes (2nnn)
Applicant Actions infotype (4000)
The length of the data field structure PSnnnn and the CI include must not exceed 1500 bytes.
If you include additional fields in the Organizational Assignment infotype, (0001), these will not appear on the logical database PNP as selection fields.
Delete enhancement for infotypes:
To delete the infotype enhancements, use the following procedure: reset enhancement:
Start the Personnel Administration infotype copier (PM01)
Enter the infotype number.
Choose Enhance infotype.
Choose Enhancement ® Delete enhancement.
Start the Data Dictionary (SE11)
Enter the PS structure of the corresponding infotype in the Data type field (PSnnnn).
Choose Display.
Choose Activate and carry out the updates to the infotype database table that are necessary according to the activation log. The database table for Personnel Administration infotypes is PAnnnn, the database table for Recruitment infotypes is PBnnnn.
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