Answer Posted / bikkinas
a small dc generator used to gave the excitation
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As i want some model question paper in basic computer science and history please send me immediately sir
surge tank, hrc fuse, earthing transformer, firm power objective type
How to measure power in 2 or 4 or n phase circuit? Please give me a formula.
If any HVDC line is going with positive & negative(the negative usually have return path of current with earthing electrode). Now the question is if this HVDC earthed electrode which is using as return path and earthed any nearby 400kv or 220kv AC substation equipments. which will be the impact of this on AC substation & its equipment, how severe may be this and what should be the minimum distance require between HVDC earthed electrode and AC substation equipments? It's really an high engineering level question...Dare to answer and increase your knowledge.
In a Impedance Based Distance Relay (Quad Characteristics) - Could there be two different Line Angle(RCA) for Ph-Ph & Ph-Gnd? If So Kindly Let me Know.. Where, What are the advantages of the same?
What is the rating of circuit breaker needed for 300 KVA load in 33 KV supply line in a transformer of 33 KV / 415 Volt ?
Can any one know what are the symbols at the down (below) the analog ammeter??? there are 4 symbols which are they ?????
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what is under coal gassification?
how tto ingress mw in turbine explain.procedure ?
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State the factors, for the choice of electrical system for an aero turbine.
Why reactive power is needed in a power system? How is it being absorbed or delivered by alternators? For reactive power control we are changing excitation but reactive power absorbing or delivering related to stator. How these two are interlinked? i want a detailed explanation with necessary expressions and figures?