There are 8 balls that look identical. One of them weighs
less than the others. Given a weighing scale, how will you
find this ball.

Answer Posted / ganesh karki

Hi friends this is ganesh karki from Uttarakhand!!!!!!
I am giving you the right answer with right question.

Actually Question is this->

There are 8 balls that look identical. One of them weighs
less than the others. Given a weighing scale, how will you
find this ball with minimum no of weighing.

total balls = 8
divided 8 balls into 3 parts
1st part having 3 balls
2nd part having 3 balls
3rd part having 2 balls
now we know 7 balls are identical and 1 ball is diffrent in weight.
so step 1 -> take 2nd parts(3 balls) on one side of scale and 3rd parts(3 balls) on other side of scale.
(i)if both are same then left the 6 ball from the list.then go to step 2(ii).
(ii) if both parts are diffrent then take the minimum weight parts.then go to step 2(i).

step 2 -> (i)take 1 ball on one side of scale and 1 ball on other side of scale and 1 ball in hand.
(a) if both are diffrent then take the less weight ball. left the othe 2 ball from list.
(b)if both are same then the ball which is in hand is the minimum weighted ball.
(ii) take 3rd part having 2 balls weight and find the minimum weighted ball.

So there are only 2 number of weighing step.
NOTE: weight sequence are 1st part and 2nd part then 3rd part.
All are satisfy with my answer plz give me ur reply.
august 16,2010.

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