There are two trees in a lawn. One grows at a rate 3/5 of
the other in 4 years. If the total growth of trees is 8 ft.
What is the height of the smaller tree after 2 years?
how can i get this answer...

Answer Posted / k[a][s]h

the right ans. is 1.5 ft as given by ankita
here's how-

assume growth rate of larger tree to be x ft/year
so growth rate of smaller tree would come out to be 3x/5

in 4 years, larger tree grows (4).(x) ft. = 4x
and smaller tree grows (4).(3x/5) ft. = 12x/5

total growth is 8 ft which is also the same as 4x + 12x/5
so, x comes out to be 5/4 ft/year
height of smaller tree after 2 years is (2).(3x/5)
= (2).(3/5.5/4) = 1.5ft

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