what is your SLA?

Answer Posted / isoumo

SLA is an abbreviation for "Service Level Agreement". It means to have guaranteed reaction or resolving times for incidents (= trouble tickets).

For instance you could have defined the following SLA levels For example:

Gold: Reaction time = 30 minutes, resolving time = 4 hours
Silver: Reaction time = 4 hours, resolving time = 24 hours

SLAs normally are part of a contract between a customer and a service provider.

*Or in details description:*

SLA are Service Level Agreements to resolve the tickets by the market. SLA means Service Level agreement. It is the service agreement between a Company and a service provider. For example an IT Organization providing support of SAP / other software / hardware has a agreement. This can be for example categorized based on criticality of the incident. High priority incident has to be resolved on 10 hours. Medium priority incident has a 3 days time to resolve etc

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