Dear Experts pls answer the folowing qs that i have faced
in the recent intvws:
a) Can we execute the script individually? If yes How? Else
we need to do so?
b) Are Layout sets Client independent?
c) How do you assign a print program to a script?
d) Can we call a subroutine in a script? If so, how?
e) What are the steps to print SAP script form?
Answer Posted / sai krrishna
U can execute ur script individually. for that goto
utilities --> printing test. By doing so u can view the
texts placed in ur variable windows . but the text in Main
windows can be seen only when u run a driver program. For
tht goto se38 and from thr use function modules OPEN_FORM,
WRITE_FORM, CLOSE_FORM. Pass the Text elements in the
function module WRITE_FORM. and execute it. u can see the
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