Can you explain about actual GI (gods issue) date and
planned GI date? Can actual GI date differ from planned GI

Answer Posted / shiva

During Delivery Scheduling 6 dates are important. Order
date, Material Availability date, Transportation Planning
date, Loading date, Goods Issue date and Requested Delivery
All the time required for each function are specified.
Accordingly from the requested delivery date we can know
when we can do Goods Issue. Thats the planned Gooda Issue
date ie when goods leave your primises.
But in reality when delivery scheduling is done, system
determines the availability date. If that determines the
goods to be available at a later date accordingly Goods
issue date also changes. Thats the Actual Goods Issue date.
In some situations both the dates may be same. That is when
Materials are available on material ataging date.

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