What is Integration between SD and MM : SD and FICO ? Can
any body give me this is ?

Answer Posted / raghavendra rao

Link Between SAP SD, MM & FI
The link between SD and MM :-

1. When you create sales order in SD, all the details of
the items are copied from Material master of MM.

2. MRP and availibility check related data is also taken
from MM although you control this data in SD also.

3. While you create inbound/outbound delivery with
reference to a sales order,the shipping point determination
takes place with the help of the loading group, plant data,
shipping conditions etc. This also refers to Material

4. The material which you are entering in a sales order
must be extended to the sales area of your sales
order/customer otherwise you cannot transact with this

There are many such links between SD and MM.

Now the link between SD and FI :-

1. Whenever you create a delivery with reference to a sales
order, goods movement takes place in the background. eg. In
case of standard sales order, you create an outbound goods
delivery to the customer.
Here movement 601 takes place. This movement is configured
in MM. Also, this movement hits some G/L account in FI.
Every such movement of goods hits some G/L account.

2. The accounts posting in FI is done with reference to the
billing documents (invoice, debit note, credit note etc)
created in SD. Thus this is a link between SD and FI

3. Tax determination: In case of a tax determination also,
there is a direct link between SD and MM

SD Integration points with other modules

SD module is highly integrated with the other modules in

Sales Order ?
Integration Points Module
?Availability Check - MM
?Credit Check - FI
?Costing - CO/ MM
?Tax Determination - FI
?Transfer of Requirements - PP/ MM

Delivery & Goods Issue ?
Integration Points Module
?Availability Check - MM
?Credit Check - FI
?Reduces stock - MM
?Reduces Inventory $ - FI/ CO
?Requirement Eliminated - PP/ MM

Billing -
Integration Points Module
?Debit A/R - FI/ CO
?Credit Revenue - FI/ CO
?Updates G/ L - FI/ CO
(Tax, discounts, surcharges, etc.)
?Milestone Billing - PS

Return Delivery & Credit Memo -
Integration Points Module
?Increases Inventory - MM
?Updates G/ L - FI
?Credit Memo - FI
?Adjustment to A/R - FI
?Reduces Revenue - FI

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