What is user defined functions in Load Runner ? Give some
Examples ?

Answer Posted / abdul sameer

User defined functions are very important in VUGEN scripting
part. After recording an application we need to make our
scripting application matching with realtime application so
for this we need to do some enhancements to the existing
script and this enhancement can be done using User Defined
Functions. SOme of the User defined functions are

1. lr_error_message
2. Lr_output_message
3. lr_eval_string
4. lr_save_string
5. lr_save_int
6. lr_continue_on_error
7. web_reg_find
8. atoi function
9. itoa function
10. web_reg_save_param
11. lr_abort
12. lr_exit
13. lr_set_debug_message

we have lot of other function too see the user guide if we
need more user defined functions.

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