hi friends i donot know this is the networking question or
not but if you help me then i will thankfull to you
the problem is like that
in my comnay there are 200 user which log one at a time now
only one user is not able to get the dhcp address and othr
are geting the dhcp

my company sys admin is saying that this is the n/w fault
while i am saying that this is not the n/w fault for the
cleaerfication of my side i take a straight workng cable and
connect that user directly to my cisco 24port switch

now problem is stiil like that
but one thing i wan to say he is geting manually ip and able
to access internet
he is able to ping the server but whrnever he tyeme \\<ip
address of server>
error comes like networl path provided not accepted by
provider some thing like that.
my systm admin is saying that i have o do somthing on my
but i am saying that no issue with firewall in that i
connect my latop to the spefic port from where the user is
conected then i am geting dhcp ip address and i am able to
connect the server also

i donot know why this is happen my syadmin is senior to me
so i canot blame him

plz help e what to do

i am very weak in the filed of systym

jitendera kumar sinha

Answer Posted / vipin kumar

HI Jitendra Kumar Sinha

vipin This side from Wipro Infotech.
what i am undersanding after going through your posted
question is that.
1. There is one System in Your Network that is not Picking
up the IP address form the DHCP server.
2. If you manually assign the IP address from a Pool of
Free IP address then you are able to Ping The IP address of
a Server but not accessing the Server by IP address or by
3. If You connect Your Local laptop to the Port then you
are able to access the Network.

The issue is related to only Three services that are
related to network

1. Server Service
2. Computer Browser
3. Workstation service

Check that all these service will be stopped in Your
Desktop and Start will be in your Local laptop.
Just Start these Three services in Desktop and then try to
access the Network by IP address or By Name.
This will solve the issue of that you are not able to
access the network from desktop.

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