what do you know about customer service?

Answer Posted / stephen arce

Customer service plain and simple is a means to connect with
a product or service purchased or granted from an entity or
a company. For example:
There is resources that are integral to our being citizens
or immigrants with which we are able to access government
information pertaining to our rights and the services
provided without any monetary nature presented beforehand
that we may access as in information (grants & loans) or
given outright (as in welfare) when we have shown a need or
a common lack of sufficient fundamental needs.

Then there is the service that is provided with a product
based on the purchasers right to connect with the
manufacturer or the party that is behind the product as in
the selling of the product, which comes afterwards and upon
payment, they are liable for the satisfactory operation or
for the results that are based on the service.

All of which is supposed to be as in according to position
(customer service representative), an extension of what the
company or entity has as principles of entitlement to the
consumer or general public upon purchase or upon entry.

This is more of a general description for the overall
function in relation to the possible roles that may take
place depending on who is behind the servicing.

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