Do you have any friends or relatives in USA?
Have you hired any consultant for admissions and Visa

Answer Posted / shiva raj

NO i dont have any relatives in usa.

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What is difference between analog signal and digital signal. .?


Hi Friends.Please let me know the answer to be given to VO in Vis ainterview. :why you are leaving your current job".




i want to know whether I can apply for MS with all fake certificates of education like Btech, inter, and will the documents be checked while attending the interview for VISA??? also want to know will there be any verification even after getting I20


I got a conditional admit for ohio university,as i got less score in IELTS after getting the admit,i have retaken the test,now my new score is 7 bands.will the conditions in my admit affect my visa??


Am I gonna face some problems with VO, as I have some backlogs during my engineering, but I completed it within 4 years with 65% aggregate. My GRE score is 1320 and TOEFL score is 95. Please also tell me the exact way to count the backlogs.


Hi,This is Kishore I completed My B.Tech & Want to Go USA to do my MBA.I am Not Attempt GMAT I write Only GRE and ILETS. When visa interviewer asks why you are not attempt GMAT?I Said But HE Reject My Visa?Please help me how to answer this Questoion?Better way


Dear sir/madam, iam desperately need your help by suggesting me how to afce the interview. i went to for fall 2001 and then i did my master's in mechanical and then also in computers and now i am doing my phd in csce dept. i married a green card holder in jan 2005 and according to our culture and tradition we have to get married in india so i came to india in december 2006 and went for visa renewal on dec 28th 2006 and i got 221 g case. i did couple of mistakes, i had an argument with my wife on dec19th 2006 and she alled 911 and they came and arrested me and i was released on the same day itself my wife only paid the bail. in the ds-156 form i did not fill that i was arrested since the ca cops told me it is an argument between a wife and a husband so not necessary to worry. i also did not fill that i was married because we are not married acording to our tradition and culture. i got my visa on feb 23rd and i decided to go to school for fall 2007 and i was asked at the port of entry whether i was arrested i said yes and told them then they asked me why didn't u fill u r married and also u r arrested, i told the reason. they told me to withdraw the application and apply and come again. now i am going to chennai for the visa interview, please help me how to face the interview and also how to tell them a convincing answer regarding why i did not fill i am married (according to our tradition we are married in jan 2007). thanks, bharat.


What are the requirement for usa student visa


Hi, My name is Madan and I had applied for Student Visa can i show my sister/brother in law as sponsorship and for bank stmts as they are staying in US?


Hello, I have been approved for Ph.D with full funding and i have a minor with me. So, should I file his application for F2 (that is the dependent VIsa) with me F1 application or fill it later once i get approved for F1 and then go for drop box option? I need your advise on this. your response is highly appreciated.


Hi, I just have a question regarding my PhD admission with North Dakota State University without assistantship. I have already completed my Masters from NDSU and was working in the US for a couple of years, I however returned to India last year. I was in touch with my guide concerning pursuing my PhD at NDSU. I have now been offered admission at NDSU for the PhD program for Fall 2010, and I have also finalized my research area (extension of Master's research area), however I have not been given an official assistantship / aid letter from my department. My department is however saying that I will be definitely offered assistantship if I land up at NDSU in Fall. My concern is now about the Visa interview in which I will have to show personal liquid funds for 5 years of doctoral study. Can you please suggest a way by which I wont be asked to show 5 years of funding..since I have unofficially got the assurance of aid/tuition waiver. Please let me know.


ihave rejected visa twice and now ihad appiled third time wat the convicing answer ishould give? tanx in advance.


Hi Everybody, I'm Vineel From Hyderabad.I've done my B.E. in ECE with 72.3% and 8 backlogs(cleared in final yr) GRE=990 and toefl=86 .I've been rejected US F-1 visa to the SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY, EDWARDSVILLE for MS in EE 3 times in oct,nov,dec 2009 for jan(spring) 2010 admissions in hyderabad. So i'm in dilema to continue and try this time for the Aug(fall) 2010 admissions or not. Pls give ur valuable suggestions or share ur experiences about how should i proceed. thnx in advance :)


hi i was in usa. i finished my MBA, finish my OPT and start Phd. but that university been closed and our SEVIS record been frozen. i came back to country. my question is that if i get new I-20 and new Sevis Record, can i go back to usa on these papers. i have valid F1 visa for 9 months. please mail me back ASAP.