Is it possible that in a switched network that any port of
the switch can be infected with any kind of viruses that
jamed and create more traffic in network which cause slow
network performance?

Answer Posted / gt

Well guys,
I know what you are saying, but recently one person
describing his problem that his lan network get busy all the
time and creating more traffic and he starts scanning every
single host on the network bt he fround nothing on host
systems, bt when he checked ports of the switch one by one
he found that one of his port is too bsy and obviously he
know what a switch can and cant, and he found that in his
network some virus is traveling throughout the network and
he block that port, and problem get solved. and recheck all
the procedure as i just above said.
I was amazed that how can be it possible? I am still
confused about this..
I am thinking where it is POD? which causing the issue.....

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