Is it possible that in a switched network that any port of
the switch can be infected with any kind of viruses that
jamed and create more traffic in network which cause slow
network performance?

Answer Posted / shahin

Hi... i don't think so... Hv u ever heard about that a
switch is virus infected..?? As far as my knowledge, viruses
r basically for windows or linux platform. Viruses can pass
through switch, which will not do any harm in switch IOS as
well as data pass through switch.

If we think about virus, it is nothing but a program
basically understand by OS n perform some unwanted job in
user data in PC.

In switch, if virus comes, n store in memory, though it will
not hamper switch IOS ya user data. Coz virus not getting
its own platform to take the action.

Thats all i can say.. if i m wrong, thn plzzzz let me know.
I'll be thankful to u.


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