Please let me know how we can implement the below scenario.
In a single mapping,more than 500 sources
(legacy,VSAM,relational) will be loading into only one
target. Whenever I retreive the data(any record) from
target, i need to find the details that the record belongs
to which source.

Thanks in advance..

Answer Posted / bidhar

Here i am assuming that your single warehouse table has
data from more than one source,and you need to distinguish
the data among the sources.

For this to accomplish you can have table which can have 2
columns Datasourcename and ID.This table will have all the
source list and ID column will be the surrogate key.

Now you need to alter your warehouse table by adding a new
column called Source Identifier.

Now you have the architecture ready.

When loading your warehouse table just look up the first
table for the source name and pickup the corresponding
surrogate key and populate into the Source identifier
column in the warehouse table.Use this Column(Source
Identifier)to identify the sources.

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