How you take care of a motor from over loading and what are
the different overloading ratings of different motors?

Answer Posted / nikhan

# 1 Motor
Rating Motor F.L.C in Amp
0.25 KW 0.4725
0.37 0.6475
0.5 0.9625
0.75 1.3125
1.1 1.925
1.5 2.625
2.2 3.85
3 5.25
3.7 6.475
4 7
5 - 5.5 9.625
7.5 13.125
9.3 16.275
11 19.25
15 26.25
18.5 32.375
22 38.5
30 52.5
37 64.75
45 78.75
55 96.25
75 131.25
90 157.5
110 192.5
132 231
150 262.5
160 280
200 350
250 437

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