can we use a control valve without positioner

Answer Posted / m.v.ramesh

There are yes and no answers of this query.
correct answer is Yes. Most of the answers are Yes but
Explanation is a bit not clear. Yes offcource valve
positioner has lot of usages and advantages in controling
the valve position.

Answer no 8 is some what clear.
Here is the straight right answer.

"Yes we can use a control valve with out positioner when
bench set of the control valve is matching with the
standard bench set of the valves." ie, valve spring range
is 0.2 kg - 1 kg. where the process fluid is clean, and for
the valve sizes below 1 inch usually.
Where these valves need regular preventive maintanence
(lubricating and changing the packings promptly or else
these valse will give erratic positions).

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