What is the difference between VIRSA Tool and GRC, and does
VIRSA tool support to ECC6.0?

Answer Posted / reddy

What is GRC ?

Governance, Risk, and Compliance.

The goal of GRC is to help a company efficiently put
policies and controls in place to address all its
compliance obligations while at the same time gathering
information that helps proactively run the business.

This means Ethical Business Process should comply with
Effective Process controls as per the related industry
Business Process and accounting Process and Govt Policy .

This GRC process finally Can Conculded with respect to Govt
Orgasnisations and Public Orgaanisation which are
Registered in Local Stock Markets are accountable to have
Effective Governance and Process Controls to Protect the
Share holder rights and Prevent Organised Corporate Fruads
and scams.

GRC Tools and IT applications

There are many GRC AUDIT tools in the Market to Facilitate
Internal and External Audit of the Companies .

What is SAP VIRSA Tool.

focused on 1) Access controls , 2) Process Controls.

It Has 4 Sections to Audit the system.

1. Compliance Caliberator
2. Role Expert
3. Firefighter
4. Access enforcer .

VIRSA systems is now takenover by SAP AG.

It has been aprt of Netwever and add on now .

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